Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Piazzolla and Medvedev

Dmitry Medvedev, the current Russian President, is captured in today's video enjoying a performance of Piazzolla's Libertango by the Duet Sheridans. The occasion was a concert to celebrate Defender's Day which is celebrated every February 23rd across the former Soviet Union to honor their military forces.

The Duet Sheridans are Taisiya Panin and Svetlana Starostin, both classically trained violinists, who have chosen to pursue the ruble in the spirit of Bond - the English/Australian electric string quartet who combine good music with sex appeal. Today's video has incorporated clips from other Duet Sheridans' appearances which makes viewing a bit confusing but it does show the "real" Duet Sheridans. The actual concert contained only the dancers, the acrobats and the two military clad Sheridans. You can view the actual concert which includes Medvedev at the opening and closing of the video but without the added clips here.

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